Holy Orders


We encourage anyone interested in the priesthood or diaconate to call the Kaukauna Parishes Office at (920) 766-1445 to schedule an appointment with a priest or a deacon. Any of our clergy will be happy to answer questions and help you to discern.

On the "web links" page of our website there are links to the Diocesan Vocations Office and the websites of different religious orders. We invite you to explore those sites as well. If you would like to speak to the Vocations Director at the Green Bay Diocese, please call 1-877-500-3580, ext. 8293, or (920) 272-8293. Ask for Fr. Mark Mleziva, or email Fr. Mark at mmleziva@gbdioc.org.

Introduction: Jesus Christ gave a mission specifically to his apostles, and this mission is to be continued in the Church until the end of time. This apostolic ministry is the Sacrament of Holy Orders. This includes three different groups: Bishops, priests, and deacons. For a full description of the theology of Holy Orders, please see the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC #1536-1600).