Pregnancy ~ Birth ~ Adoption ~ Infertility ~ Stillbirth ~
Miscarriage ~ Infant or Child Death ~ Crisis or Special Needs
Elizabeth Ministry is a program in which women help other women during times of pregnancy, birth, adoption or infant crisis. It also provides support to those who are suffering the pain of miscarriage, infertility or failed adoption. Check us out at
How does this unique ministry work? Women volunteer to become ministers in the areas they have experienced. For example, a woman who has twins would visit someone expecting twins. Continued support is given throughout the pregnancy and after birth. This support comes in the form of visits, phone calls and cards.
In addition to visitors, there are many ministers who work behind the scenes. These ministers donate or handcraft items that are included in gift bags that are given to new parents and gift bags given out after Masses twice each year, along with an Expectant Family Blessing. The ministry also sends out postcards to new parents, congratulating them on bringing new life into the community.
The ministry supports families in prayer with the Rose Program, a visual reminder of the precious blessing of each new life. Roses are located in a basket next to the Elizabeth Ministry table located in the back of the church.
Each rose has a unique meaning:
- A pink rose to honor pregnancy and the unborn baby
- A red rose to celebrate a birth or adoption
- A white rose to remember a child lost through miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth or infant or child death;
- A purple rose to represent special prayers for a family
Informational cards that go along with the roses are located on the Elizabeth Ministry table. The card has a place to write information regarding pregnancy, birth, adoption, loss or trying to conceive or adopt. People are invited to 1) remove a rose from the basket, 2) fill out the appropriate card, 3) put the card in the box located on the table and 4) put the rose in the vase. By placing the card in the box, your information is only shared with the members of Elizabeth Ministry.
Prayer cards for various situations are displayed next to the vase. Anyone filling out a rose card is invited to take a prayer card for their personal meditation. Parish members promise to pray for those whom the rose represents.
Is extensive training needed to become an Elizabeth Minister?
No. The majority of the training needed to become an Elizabeth Minister is personal experience. Elizabeth Ministers are not counselors or experts. They are women willing to share their time and experiences. An easy-to-follow Training and Visitor's Manual provides step-by-step, detailed information on the ministry.
Does Elizabeth Ministry require a lot of time?
Again, no. An Elizabeth Minister is able to adjust time requirements to fit her schedule and to fit the needs of those to whom she is ministering. Brief visits, phone calls and cards provide a tremendous amount of support with a minimal amount of time.
If you are interested in becoming one of the women of Kaukauna Catholic Parishes who performs visits, please call Dianne Niquette at 920-759-9766 or Jean Beatty at 920-766-1135. We invite you to prayerfully consider helping in this very important ministry. You can make a difference!
The Elizabeth Ministry International Retreat & Resource Center is located at 120 W. 8th Street, Kaukauna, WI 54130 - Phone (920) 766-9380. The Resource Center offers a wide variety of written resource material, as well as many gift items. Stop in and browse, or visit our online store.
Among God's best gifts to us are the people who love and support us. Thank you to all the wonderful people who support Elizabeth Ministry through anonymous donations, making items for the gift bags and prayers. Your continued support helps the Ministry fulfil its mission, following the examples of Mary and Elizabeth, we visit and share the sacredness of life! God bless!
For more information, OR to volunteer for the St. Katharine Drexel Parish Chapter of Elizabeth Ministry, feel free to contact: Carol Engmann (920-205-7269)