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2 cents worth - 11.7.2021

2 cents worth

It’s November! Where did that year go? This month certainly is one for remembering our loved ones and also a month that ends with Thanksgiving.

This year, I reflect back on the many people who have died in the parish. Meeting with the families is a large part of the preparation and hearing the stories and history of each person is truly amazing.

Many of our parishioners,  who have died, have spent many years of service to our parishes and to making life special for so many people who come through our doors. We say goodbye to them as they meet the Lord with lives lived well.

Back here on earth, with feet firmly on the ground, we have a wonderful crew who prepare meals after the funeral Mass or service and they do it with such generosity. We have musicians, cantors, and altar servers who faithfully turn up to help assist and make our liturgies so beautiful. We have volunteers who clean our churches, place flowers, and do many unknown deeds in service of the Lord.

But we also have a hidden crew - who behind the scenes take care of and assist at our parish cemeteries; they literally help bury the dead and put in tremendous hours of loving service, tenderly caring and making sure that every plant and bush reflects the care and love of the Christian community.

To you all, this Sunday’s gospel reminds us of You. In quiet simplicity, you go about the work of the Lord giving your best and making us all shine. In Jesus words, we hear – 

A poor widow also came and put in two small coins worth a few cents.
Calling his disciples to himself, he said to them,
"Amen, I say to you, this poor widow put in more
than all the other contributors to the treasury.
For they have all contributed from their surplus wealth,
but she, from her poverty, has contributed all she had,
her whole livelihood."

That is where the expression 2 cents worth came from, folks.

Two cents and one word. THANKS!
Fr. Mack



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