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Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord - January 6, 2019

Today we gather to celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany—that incredible story of Magi from the East attempting to find the newborn King of the Jews. There is so much symbolism in this story, but the simple truth is that the Wise men went to great lengths to give gifts to the most-deserving Jesus. Why would these philosophers do this? These noble men of the East had studied that someone special was about to come into the world. I believe God had opened their hearts to His love, and this openness allowed them to search into the unknown lands.

God’s special gift to us is the birth of His son so that God’s love for His children could be revealed through His son, Jesus. What does Jesus ask of us in return?  Simply this: that we love God with our whole heart and soul and extend this same love to one another. We show this love through acts of kindness, mercy, generosity and love. By sharing all the good things God has given us with others, we are giving back to God what has been His all along.

In two weeks, I will be in Haiti, along with three other parishioners from Holy Cross. We will provide eye care to one of the poorest countries in the world. I want to thank you for your generosity. Over 2,400 glasses were either donated or purchased through your financial support.

If we are wise, like the Wise men, let us follow the stirring in our hearts. Let us spend our lifetime opening our treasures and laying them at the feet of the less fortunate. May the Magi be an example of who we are called to be as Catholic Christians, each and every day.

Deacon Mark Ebben



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